Draw From A Distance

I decided to participate Sara from Wonderfall’s challenge that she has created on Instagram. Each day we describe what are the unexpected benefits that we did during the Covid-19 virus.

Day 1 — An unexpected benefit of lockdown. What makes you happy?
An unexpected benefit is that I now able to pick up my tablet and draw without having the “imposter syndrome” feeling. Ever since I’ve got a second monitor screen I’ve been able to create thing on illustrator whilst taking a break from playing computer games. Currently I’ve been playing (and enjoying) Borderlands 3 with partner.

Day 2 — What’s cookin?
In all honesty, I can’t cook to save my life (in which is why I tend to just order out and completely break my "trying to eat healthy” appetite). So mum’s cooking my favourite food in which is Nasi Lemak. Nasi Lemak is made from coconut milk infused rice, hard boiled egg, peanuts, fried anchovies and sambal (chilli paste). Traditionally Nasi Lemak is wrap in banana leaf.

Day 3 — New hobby or skill you’d like to learn
It’s not much of a new hobby or skill per say — however, I would love to relearn Korean and Japanese. I’ve always love languages, as I find them easy to pick up (once I get my head around it). What helped me previously with my Korean was music and drama along with anime for Japanese (thanks to all this free time, I’ve managed to relearn some things again). Another hobby / skill I’d like to relearn again is drawing. I want to fall in love with creativity all over again without getting annoyed at myself (whether it’s drawing or animation – as I’ve been extremely hard on myself within the recent years). However, despite the relearns, a new skill I would like to learn is to learn German due to my ancestry!

Day 4 — Favorite book / show / movie / game fan art!
It’s so hard for me to pick just one so I’m like I’m going do 6. Most of them hold a massive nostalgia note. I feel like each one of them (in a weird way) makes me who I am today. Sailor Moon who is a cry baby, hates doing homework, clumsy, a hopeless romantic and yet she always there for her friends and fights for love. Power Rangers were the reason I took self-defence classes (I would really like to get back to doing it). Nightwing or at least at the time he was Robin — got me into comics series (though thanks to a friend’s recommendation to watch Teen Titans). Little Mermaid, she been my favourite Disney princess for as long as I can remember and made me fall in love with myths/folklores. Captain America, he is one of the very first Marvel heroes I like (though thanks to Chris Evans playing him). Last but not least Back To The Future. That is the one movie I could watch over and over again without being bored.

Day 5 — Coping mechanism - what’s your new self care routine?
I’ve always had horrible sleeping habits. I would normally go to bed early hours of the morning with an average 4-5 hours sleep. I abuse my body with coffee 5 - 7 cups a day, even when I’m at work I’ll be drinking Matcha non stop or black tea of some sort. Now being able to fix my sleeping pattern and having 7-8 hours sleep, that’s my new self care routine.




Power Rangers Megazord